A Glossary of Historical Terms in Alphabetical order
A.D. | Anno Domini – In the year of our lord |
Absolute Monarchy | When a monarch has total rule over a country or region |
Anachronism | Something that is placed in the wrong time period |
Anarchy | When law and order breaks down |
Anthropology | The study of humans and their behaviour over time |
Antiquities | Things that have survived from Ancient History |
Archaeology | The study of the past through excavation of historical sites |
Archive | A storage of files or documents from the past |
Artefact | An object that has survived from the past |
Autobiography | A history of someone’s life written by themselves |
B.C. | Before Christ – Before the birth of Jesus Christ |
B.C.E. | Before the Common Era – Before the year 0 |
Bias | A one-sided view of something |
Bibliography | A list of works used in the completion of another piece of work |
Biography | A history of someone’s life written by another person |
Causation | The cause of an event |
C.E. | Common Era – After the year 0 |
Century | A period of 100 years |
Charter | A legal grant of property or title |
Chronicle | An account or description of a period of time in chronological order |
Chronology | The study of a sequence of past events |
Citation | A method of referencing sources |
Culture | The values shared by a society |
Data | A collection of information, facts or statistics |
Date | An exact period of time |
Domino Effect | When an event causes another chain of events to happen |
Economic History | A study of money and economic change |
Evidence | Things that can help us understand the past |
Fossil | The preserved remains of a plant or animal from a past geological age |
Historian | Someone who studies the past |
Historiography | A study of the methods used by historians |
History | A study of the past |
Imperialism | Taking control of other countries or peoples, creating or enlarging an empire |
Lacuna | A gap in a manuscript or other historical document |
Local History | The study of the past events of a locality |
Manuscript | A hand-written document |
Military History | The history of a period with a focus on war and warfare |
Millennium | A period of 1,000 years |
Paleography | The study of ancient handwriting |
Periodisation | Using periods in History to divide the past |
Philology | The study of language |
Political History | The study of political ideologies, events and leaders |
Prehistory | The period before the development of writing |
Primary Source | A piece of evidence originating from the time being examined |
Propaganda | Information that is used to persuade people to believe a certain set of facts or values |
Provenance | The history of an item or artefact’s location and ownership |
Reference | A collection of facts and information with no analysis, opinion or conclusions |
Research | To find evidence |
Revisionism | A review of historical thinking in the light of new evidence |
Secondary Source | A piece of evidence created later than the event being examined |
Social History | The history of the lives of people |
Statistics | A collection of data that shows information, change and development |
Suffrage | The legal right to vote in elections |
Technological History | The development of technology and medicine |
Tertiary Source | An article or account that uses Primary and Secondary Sources to give an overview of a period |
Toponymy | The study of place names |
Unit of Time | A standardised or variable measurement of time |
Citation Information for Glossary of Historical Terms:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – 2024). Glossary of Historical Terms. Available: https://www.historykeyskills.com/glossary-of-historical-terms/. Last accessed March 3rd, 2025